Friday, February 22, 2013

Hold 100% XIV

Both systems will maintain their long positions. The JT Comp remains 100% long XIV. I will continue to hold mine. Thanks and have a good weekend! J


  1. Congrats on a great call J. Too bad I was 1 day early, I can see why you follow 100% signals. Selling SDS calls worked out fine as well today, although proper position sizing requires some more calculation. I kept up with XIV until my diminishing delta came into play.
    I have tried this srategy before with SPY options but that didn't really work out as you have to pony up a lot of margin. SDS/SSO have double margin requirements but with the leverage and the price at 1/3 of SPY it is a better deal.

  2. Replies
    1. Hi Al Are you having any problem with IB charts

  3. No, mine seem to be working fine. What problems are you encountering?


  4. Sorry for the Penney post. That's my daughter playing around with my Google account.


  5. no problem so yours working fine right

  6. I don't understand, Alex. If you're not having problems, why would you ask if my IB charts are working well?

    1. I think the no problem was in reference to you posting on your daughter's account.

  7. I am having problems Al with IB charts so i wanted to know if you re having any problem or just me

  8. Looks like unload xiv at open was the play!

  9. I unloaded my XIV prematurely on Friday since J made a post stating we would probably be going back to cash. I set up a stop at 22.00 and it hit it and sold for 21.99. After this morning I was like damn I should have kept it, but I guess it worked out as a positive trade in the end so I can't complain.

    1. Watch the hindsight-posts, Jared

    2. lol you're funny JKH. I know what you mean about hindsight posts with certain individuals on here, but I surely didn't make a killing so I wasn't out to brag. You're too busy scouring this blog to find people lying or something...I would rather you explain your posts more so I know what the heck you are talking about most of the time. You seem to be here to babble a whole lot about what you do on the side, but it seems like you don't even follow J's system. Would you like a picture of my trade to make it official?

    3. Same happened to me. If I want to cover options I will have to do that before market close. I covered half on the same post and felt the same. Currently I am about breakeven, performing a bit better than XIV, although XIV did quite better at the open.

  10. Holy... Anyone ditch their XIV this morning? :-/

  11. Not me. What do the systems say for today?

  12. Unfortunate the system was smacked today. Quite a turnaround in the markets intraday.
