Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Hold confirmed.

Both models once again are generating hold signals, keeping them 100% long. Not the most ideal intraday action today, but another push up is still expected.


  1. thx, came in ca. 3:53pm, lots of time to digest... also, came in on twitterfeed about 90sec before it did in the text portion of your buysellmodel site.

  2. Got any of that merlot, J?

    Seriously, thanks.

  3. Maybe something stronger, given today's futures.

    Seriously, it appears that capitulation didn't occur on Friday and that the market continues lower. It may, of course, rebound suddenly, thereby rendering the current trades profitable, nevertheless, it seems to me that we could use this market to learn something about the JT and CCI systems. Now comes the part where I punt the ball to the developer of the systems. J, it might help weather this storm if you could offer some wisdom on the current challenges your systems are facing.

  4. Considering how this market is playing out (very weak), I hope we can either get a bounce to minimize our losses on this trade or switch to a short call in time to make up for this loss with some short gains!!

    Good luck everyone

  5. Ok, seriously... is there any strength in this market left?

    With a BE of $55, I am pretty sure we are going to lose... so, now or after TNA drops more?

  6. What are you worrying about, you capitulated several days ago. I thought that it was a bad move at the time, but, in retrospect, you did the right thing.

    1. I don't trade on emotions anymore, that is why I lost so much the first quarter. I am following J, I just had to vent...

      But you're right, selling my TNA and buying TZA several days ago would have been a profitable move...

      I am really wondering why anyone (as there are other systems long too) thinks there will be recovery. This bounce seems to have not materialized more than a bull trap. Others I read seem to finding more and more things to promote a bullish scenario, but where is the proof?

      I suppose Big Ben could come and save the day right now, but he hasn't been much interested in the markets since April 1st. Maybe he is tired and will let things go on their own until he has to beef it up for November.

      I see a lot of Hopium being passed around, but being 100% long with a TNA BE of $55(currently trading at $47) is, well, a deep draw down and is looking more unrecoverable.

      Lets see what the system says today...

  7. this steady afternoon rally is a welcome relief

    1. Amen

      Lets hope it continues for a few more trading days...
