Monday, January 30, 2012

Buy if...

The system is buying today's weakness. If SPY closes 131.41 or lower, the system dumps the short position and goes 50% long TNA.

If we finish strong and manage a close above 131.42, hold the shorts for at least another day.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Are you really mad about a dollar loss?

    2. a dollar... maybe your math is better than mine...
      -$2.88 on 50% and -$1.88 on 50%, that doesn't add up to $1 in my spreadsheet.

      Sorry for my earlier rant.
      It's my trade, my fault.

      Have a great day!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Actually, the candlesticks seem to indicate that right now might not be a bad time for the adventurous to go long. A more conservative approach would be to wait for confirmation tomorrow.

  4. closing price for jan.18th was 22.56
    closing price for jan.19th was 22.14

    If you bought a 500 shares on each day that would be an average of $22.35. BTW I trade TZA when we are shorting the market and TNA when we are long the market. I dont find locates on short TNA shares. So selling today you should have only have a loss of $1.01 a share. So that's not the worst thing in the world being that we have been in the same shit for so long.

    1. Still adds up to a 4.5% loss.

      A $1 is not just a $1 when you are talking about a $22 stock vs a $55 stock.

      Either way, I am sorry to have stepped on anyone's sensibilities. I was just hoping with a lower volatility that this market wouldn't be so... volatile

      Taking a break...


  5. A nice hammer on the dailies. This could mean an up day tomorrow but have to wait to see if it plays out. After hours move up seems to be confirming.

  6. Oh the dreaded economy news. The wild card.

  7. I might have to join you RealMoney. This market is just starting to get comical to me. In the negative after being up a dollar in the AM. This is a very uneasy unsafe market. Going to take a break after this trade until direction and trend start to make sense.
