Friday, January 13, 2012

Buy confirmed.

5pm: The 2nd buy signal was confirmed. The position is now averaged in at 49.92, which is not very good considering the dip down to 48 we had this morning. Oh well, here's to a strong Tuesday. (Market is closed Monday.) Have a good weekend!


I expect to get another buy signal today, one in which I feel more comfortable following.

Today's number to watch is SPY 129.23, which is well above current levels. Anything above 129.23 will be a hold signal. At or below will result in a buy signal placing the system all in TNA.

BTW, is anyone else noticing problems with the comments section below my posts? It's messed up for me now. Problems started 2 days ago.


  1. It works, it just looks weird/different.

    1. Yes - I noticed that starting two days ago, when I try to view the comments, it just goes "waiting for" forever. I have to reload the page a few times before it goes through.

    2. You can now reply to a specific comment and not just make another sequential comment...

  2. another buy? with all these downgrades? eur/usd is all time low

    1. I am curious too as I_T is also long... I am not sure what is up but I suspect it is a volume issue.
      Big money players are staying out and letting mom and pop buy and once the euphoria starts to wear off... BAM
      They are going to take it down...

      Just my 2 cents

    2. I dont think their system foresee this news of downgrade...i am trap short anyway (going through a brokerage transfer)

  3. I've been doing this now for a month and 5 days so I went ahead and built my own system and it says to sell TNA for next trading session. I guess one day we shade-tree traders will all have our own systems...better than flipping a coin I guess.

  4. oops I meant BUY so in agreement with J-Trader today !!!

  5. Looking good for a buy today based on futures. Market just isn't open. Maybe it will carry over on Tuesday.
